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5 Ways to Help You Through Reverse Culture Shock

So many of us yearn for the chance to travel, make new memories, experience new adventures, learn about new cultures, and try new foods. But what happens when you’ve finally gotten the opportunity to connect with a different culture on another level? You maybe even called it home for a little while, and now it’s time to come home? What do you do when you realize you'll be back to the same ol' routine you left behind?

What can you do to feel more connected to that once beloved country who's culture you were so quick to adopt?

I remember sitting in my AirBnB just a couple months ago while in Spain, scrolling through Yelp to desperately find restaurants at home that would satisfy my need for another taste of Paella, or enjoy the same flavor of those croquettas de jamon that I loved so much in that little hole in the wall restaurant in the Gothic District. I quickly realized in that very moment, that I may not ever have that same delectable taste again, unless I were back in this gorgeous city.

It didn't end there, I also realized how much my espanol improved while on my little tour. Although I spoke some spanish while home in the states, (when I say some, I mean "hola", "gracias", and "si") it wasn't the same! For example, Barcelona is pronounced "Barthelona", why? long historical story short, they continue a habit that was acquired by their king who had a lisp, and because they loved him so much, they decided to pass that down to future generations, interesting ey? Yeh, anyways, while most people told me I'd be annoyed by it, I actually found myself loving it and the language, learning new words and using them instead of what I was once taught at home. It wasn't until my flight home, while sitting next to a man from Spain coming to the states to learn English, where I realized that I wouldn't get to fluently speak Spanish like a Spaniard again, unless I was back in Spain:(

Fast forward to today, 6 months later and I have a special need to be in touch with the Spanish culture. When I quickly realized that I would not have the same experience in the states like I did in Spain, I scurried to find the next best thing. Now, I could talk about what it might be like coming home to an atmosphere that now thinks so different from you, but that isn't what this blog is about. I wanna talk about what it is like to not have the same surroundings everyday, hear the same music, or enjoy the same views.

So here are the Top 5 Ways I learned to connect myself with culture to get through that dreaded reverse culture shock:


I use to be a Lyft driver, now i'm not saying this will work for everyone, but because I talk to literally EVERYONE, I would specifically pick up near LAX in hopes of meeting someone from around the world. Sure, not EVERYONE was from Spain, obviously, but any chance I got to speak Spanish, I jumped on in a heartbeat! However, I'm sure you can believe what my reaction was once I found out one of my passengers was from Spain. Put yourself out there EVERYWHERE you go! I'm fortunate to live in LA, where most people are tourists, it gives me the opportunity to learn about a new dream destination to check off next from my bucket list. And hey, you NEVER know who you're going to meet!


Where are the nearest events of the culture of your choice? You would be shocked to find that there may just be a festival in the next town over from you, where the people working might bring some homemade Papa La Huancaina (for those who love Peruvian food), or Panset (for those who love Filipino food). I once met a passenger in my Lyft who was from Spain, I indulged in conversation with her on our 30 minute ride. She told me about an authentic Spanish restaurant that was a good 40 miles away from where I lived, yes 40, and yes I drove there that following weekend! It wasn't Spain, but it damn sure was close enough!


You won't believe how much this helps you to connect with your missed culture that you so easily adopted. I try to watch videos in languages that I miss, add stations on my Pandora and fall asleep with it to soothe me. Because I just returned from Germany, I still have ads in the German language on all of my social media that makes me feel a bit connected to them. The simple things go a long way! And of course, with everything going on with the Spanish Government, it's so hard not to follow up with all that is so disheartening in the city that once stole my heart 6 months ago.

4. K.I.T

Keep in contact with all those people you met on your travels!!! I can't emphasize enough how amazing this is!!! You went to another country, met new people, made new friends who made your trip THAT MUCH BETTER! KEEP IN TOUCH! I often call friends from Spain just to hear their accent! Gosh, it is such an exhilarating feeling just to have that piece of Spain again!


Remember that wooden shoe you brought back from Deuschland? or all that K-pop paraphernalia you collected while in Korea? Yeh, put it up in your home! SHOW IT OFF!!! You just traveled the world, and now have special artifacts to prove it! Regardless of where you went, or what you have, be proud of it!

Now go indulge yourself in that culture you fell so in love with! But don't forget to keep traveling, you never know when you'll adopt another culture just like you did the last<3.


Los Angeles, California

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